Sunday, December 10, 2017

Whale Rock Reservoir - San Luis Obispo County, California

Visited on 10/12/2017 traveling to the Central Coast of California to join Jeff and our dogs on a camping trip at Avila Beach, south of San Luis Obispo, CA.  Whale Rock Reservoir is a 594 acre lake with the only ocean view I know of on the pacific ocean!  This lake is located at 150 feet above sea level just a couple of miles northeast of the ocean side city of Cayucos, California just north of Morro Bay, California.  Whale Rock Reservoir has a great trail alongside the lake which is primarily used as a fishing access, but is also a beautiful area for hiking and picnicking. The Whale Rock Dam was built in 1961, creating this 1350-acre reservoir. It is a domestic water supply used as a source of drinking water. The lake is fed from Old Creek and Cottontail Creek at the two northern points. The lake is surrounded by grassy rolling hills.


  1. just found your blog! thank you so much for the time effort and attention to detail that you have added to the public domain of recreating in Cali!

  2. Thank you so much for your comments, it has been a labor of love to find, document, photograph and provide information about the 422 California Lakes out of the 745 lakes on my list that are over 50 surface acres or more. Stay tuned to my blog for more post, especially as we hopefully get more water in our lakes if we get a wetter season this winter.
